What Does Iq and Eq Stand for

What Does Iq and Eq Stand for

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Measuring Perception At Work Involves IQ, EQ And CQ

Forbes Coaches Council

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Dr. Diane Hamilton

At Tonerra, we help organizations create innovative strategies to improve behaviors that impact performance. http://drdianehamilton.com

With all the measurement tools available, it can be challenging to know what is critical to measure within the workplace. One often-overlooked ability that deserves more attention is perception, which includes things like evaluation, prediction, interpretation and correlation. We measure IQ for intellectual intelligence, EQ for emotional intelligence and CQ for cultural intelligence, and perhaps we need to add PQ for perceptional intelligence. Perceptional intelligence combines aspects of all these areas.

Our intellectual quotient (IQ) gives us an idea of our cognitive ability compared to the general population. It scores our ability to solve problems, reason and recognize relationships. The IQ test is more about how well you understand things than the quantity of how much you know. That is one of the reasons that the score does not change much. IQ tests also do not measure things like creativity, wisdom and other aspects of intelligence; however, the assessment can give a good indication of intellectual abilities and potential.

Our emotional quotient (EQ) is based on how well we recognize our emotions and those in others and adjust our behavior accordingly. Although many have studied it, emotional intelligence was made popular by the work of Daniel Goleman. Goleman found four factors associated with emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. The good news about emotional intelligence is that it can be improved and developed.

Our cultural quotient (CQ) is based on our capability to relate and work effectively across cultures. This can be impacted by our curiosity to learn more about other people. It includes our ability to recognize things that others do that might seem ambiguous to us but have significant meaning to them. It involves understanding other people's decisions that might be impacted by their belief system, attitudes and values. It can include recognizing body language, visual cues and auditory cues and not relying on stereotypes. It can be developed through having curiosity to know more about others and by creating strategies and action plans to develop an open-minded way of interacting with others.

While we cannot improve IQ as much as we can EQ and CQ, it is critical to recognize the importance of all three and their involvement in perception. Improving perception can be valuable when working internationally or leading diverse teams. Understanding the value of perception is the equivalent of recognizing the value of IQ, EQ and CQ. We must realize that everyone has a unique perception of what is "right" and "wrong" and how to do business. This understanding will help guide our behaviors. We can incorporate our ability to reason, empathize and utilize curiosity to realize that each situation is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to doing business in the modern workplace. The more we develop our recognition of our perception and of other people's perception, the more adaptable we can be, which will lead to better outcomes.

Leaders can help by looking at how abilities can impact evaluation, prediction, interpretation and correlation.

• When evaluating, it is critical to use our IQ to recognize factors that influence our decision making. Leaders should encourage employees to look for relationships and reasons they believe certain things to be true.

• When predicting, it helps to use EQ to empathize to understand the assumptions made by others. Developing empathy can improve interpersonal relationships, which can be critical to the communication process.

• When interpreting, we must utilize critical thinking skills and question things based on our curiosity. When we are curious, we can overcome fear and incorrect assumption making.

• When correlating, we must take into consideration all the cultural components that might impact decisions.

By avoiding stereotyping, we can be open to recognizing value comes from everyone in the workplace. When we eliminate bias in the workplace, organizations receive better ideas from employees and are more profitable.

Dr. Diane Hamilton

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/12/04/measuring-perception-at-work-involves-iq-eq-and-cq/

Posted by: mullinsclard1952.blogspot.com

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