Could Saberon Form Come Back as a Glyph in Battle for Azeroth

  1. 2020-07-26,01:06 AM #1

    Victoryrush is offline


    Druid easy-to-get skins

    Hey! I had recently used the expansion boost for a druid. Not entirely new to the class, and it still feels fun and interesting to play to the max.

    Shadowlands looks promising and I am going to play the druid regularly. Guardian and feral mostly.

    What artefact skins are easy to get? I didn't play WoW in Legion and WoD at all, so farming reputations is just not acceptable - game time is limited because of life and outdated reputations are simply a waste.
    Are there new skins coming into Shadowlands? Is there something mentioned about that? It could be great if the Legion skins are available as some non-trivial feats of strength, like M+ 15-20, 2k arena etc.

  2. 2020-07-26,01:27 AM #2

    Mirishka is offline

    Old God Mirishka's Avatar

    All the Legion skins are still available aside from those obtained from the mage tower, and will remain so in SL.

    As far as easy options go, finish your class campaign to upgrade the base looks, and google 'Druid hidden artifact appearance' to learn how to get those appearances, as some of them are pretty great.

    No new skins have been announced for SL, but its a very druid-friendly expansion (Fae covenant) so I wouldn't be surprised at all if we get some.

    Last edited by Mirishka; 2020-07-26 at 01:31 AM.

    Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're here. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.

  3. 2020-07-26,01:28 AM #3

    Sharnie786 is offline

    The Patient Sharnie786's Avatar

    The only appearances that are confirmed are all the artifact skins introduced with legion, except the mage tower ones.

    Some are unlocked through quests, others through killing bosses, some through earning honour ranks, and some are hidden puzzle appearances. If you get your artifact weapon in Legion and go to the seedling thing and then appearances it tells you what you need to do for 5 different looks and then the requirements for each colour tint.

    Night Elves NEED long hair to the ground and more elegant/regal beautiful options to show their Highbourne heritage

  4. 2020-07-27,12:57 AM #4

    Victoryrush is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post

    All the Legion skins are still available aside from those obtained from the mage tower, and will remain so in SL.

    As far as easy options go, finish your class campaign to upgrade the base looks, and google 'Druid hidden artifact appearance' to learn how to get those appearances, as some of them are pretty great.

    No new skins have been announced for SL, but its a very druid-friendly expansion (Fae covenant) so I wouldn't be surprised at all if we get some.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharnie786 View Post

    The only appearances that are confirmed are all the artifact skins introduced with legion, except the mage tower ones.

    Some are unlocked through quests, others through killing bosses, some through earning honour ranks, and some are hidden puzzle appearances. If you get your artifact weapon in Legion and go to the seedling thing and then appearances it tells you what you need to do for 5 different looks and then the requirements for each colour tint.

    Thanks. Yeah, I too hope for some nice new skins or at least some re-skins in relevant content. Torghast could be a good source of such rewards.

  5. 2020-07-27,01:05 AM #5

    Ragnarohk is offline

    Pandaren Monk Ragnarohk's Avatar

    I'm really excited for this change in SL. Finally be able to use the Ape-bear and fluorescent cat forms as resto.

    Appart from the Legion Artifact skins, there's a toy from Firelands that gives you a buff to transform into majordomos fire cat model. Fandral's Seed Pouch and there is a quest to change your flight form to an owl that can carry somebody else Archdruid's Lunarwing Form. There are also glyphs to change Travel from (to a doe instead of a stag) and Aquatic form (dolphin or orca). You will be able to mix and match all of these forms too, so have them in mind.

  6. 2020-07-27,03:03 AM #6

    Mirishka is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoryrush View Post

    Thanks. Yeah, I too hope for some nice new skins or at least some re-skins in relevant content. Torghast could be a good source of such rewards.

    Sure thing. Have fun in SL.

    Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're here. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.

  7. 2020-07-27,03:18 AM #7

    ------------------------ is offline

    The Patient

    go to the firelands and get some seeds, ������️oy

  8. 2020-07-27,03:34 AM #8

    Hoofnmouth is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ancient One View Post

    go to the firelands and get some seeds, ������️oy

    Or the toy if you get lucky then you don't have to farm seeds

  9. 2020-07-27,03:48 AM #9

    Kittahsmash is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoofnmouth View Post

    Or the toy if you get lucky then you don't have to farm seeds

    Or get Fandral's Flamescythe or w/e it's called and equip it, then right-click it while wearing it and have this kitty form too. (But you have to keep it equipped to keep the form, only downside...the toy is the best option)

  10. 2020-07-27,03:50 AM #10

    Brewmaster Kolee is offline

    Elemental Lord Brewmaster Kolee's Avatar

    Do any of them matter besides Werebear? Sorry, I know that's not a helpful sentiment for the purposes of this thread, but it is an honest one.

    Remember it's a game. Have a beer buff. Chill.

  11. 2020-07-27,04:52 AM #11

    Eapoe is offline

    I am Murloc!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brewmaster Kolee View Post

    Do any of them matter besides Werebear? Sorry, I know that's not a helpful sentiment for the purposes of this thread, but it is an honest one.

    My personal favorite. Been rocking the black Werebear since I got it. No longer available anymore for new players since it was tied to the mage tower.
    I keep hoping they'll add something like Saberon back in for feral.

    As for easy to get skins, the Owlkin Feral one is pretty easy but it's tied to RNG and can be time consuming.
    At this point in the game all the others should be fairly easy to get as most require clearing dungeons or raids, most of which is completely able to be cleared solo.

  12. 2020-07-28,08:29 AM #12

    Victoryrush is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Brewmaster Kolee View Post

    Do any of them matter besides Werebear? Sorry, I know that's not a helpful sentiment for the purposes of this thread, but it is an honest one.

    Haha, yeah, not very helpful sentiment!

    You are right, the Werebear skins is what really matters. In my opinion Blizz should definitely bring these back to the game.
    I am banging my head how is it fair to allow for Thunderfury transmog and yet the cool bear skins are unobtainable as of today... TF was the only weapon I really wanted in this game and yet I never got by the time it was obsolete.

    From what I read left and right many new druid players are driven away from the guardian spec because being stuck in a basic bear form 99% of the time ain't fun. While everybody is rocking fancy visuals that get updated every major patch with new options to choose from. The Shadowlands armor sets look great.

  13. 2020-07-28,12:16 PM #13

    Great Destiny Man is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoryrush View Post

    Haha, yeah, not very helpful sentiment!

    You are right, the Werebear skins is what really matters. In my opinion Blizz should definitely bring these back to the game.
    I am banging my head how is it fair to allow for Thunderfury transmog and yet the cool bear skins are unobtainable as of today... TF was the only weapon I really wanted in this game and yet I never got by the time it was obsolete.

    From what I read left and right many new druid players are driven away from the guardian spec because being stuck in a basic bear form 99% of the time ain't fun. While everybody is rocking fancy visuals that get updated every major patch with new options to choose from. The Shadowlands armor sets look great.

    If they do it for MT skins then they may as well do it for CM as well and then we're down a huge rabbit hole of what can legit be kept as exclusive.

    Personally I feel what we really need is different unique skins for bears/cats etc that are equally as cool but not the same model as Wearbear, takes a bit of the sting away from not getting it while keeping MT cool and elusive.

  14. 2020-07-28,02:49 PM #14

    Eapoe is offline

    I am Murloc!

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoryrush View Post

    Haha, yeah, not very helpful sentiment!

    You are right, the Werebear skins is what really matters. In my opinion Blizz should definitely bring these back to the game.
    I am banging my head how is it fair to allow for Thunderfury transmog and yet the cool bear skins are unobtainable as of today... TF was the only weapon I really wanted in this game and yet I never got by the time it was obsolete.

    From what I read left and right many new druid players are driven away from the guardian spec because being stuck in a basic bear form 99% of the time ain't fun. While everybody is rocking fancy visuals that get updated every major patch with new options to choose from. The Shadowlands armor sets look great.

    Well, there's multiple skins that have effects for bears. They just won't have the Werebear. Now, if Blizzard released the skin to be obtained outside of the MT there would probably be a pretty big backlash.
    If they came up with something new then there wouldn't be. So, I could see them making something new and interesting, maybe like the Saberon model with different skin appearances coming to bear form and that being well received. Just releasing the skin that some worked hard to get to the masses could be thought of as poor taste.

  15. 2020-08-15,06:41 PM #15

    Yhcti is offline


    I tried redoing balance of power on my old legion main so I could unlock the glowing bear form but I got so confused that I just gave up. I quit during mage tower so never got the big bear skin. Can confirm if I had that, I'd main guardian even if it was Z tier lol.

    If Guardian is promising in SL then I may give balance of power another shot.

  16. 2020-09-09,03:26 PM #16

    Sunnydee is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoofnmouth View Post

    Or the toy if you get lucky then you don't have to farm seeds

    I was on ptr today logged dudu for funsies, seems that i have this form at barber without having the toy on live. Only form i dont got on live that was on ptr.
    Dont know if ptr bug or if its standard from now on but yeah.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post

    People on this site hate everything. Keep that in mind.

  17. 2020-09-14,08:35 AM #17

    Thelxi is offline

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    I do have the mage tower bear skin (and it was one of the most painful ones to get for me tbh), but I don't think I will be able to resist matching the sparkle cat with the balance of power sparkle bear. Just thinking about how good it will look swapping in and out of forms in PvP, not to mention that it will match my xmog too.

  18. 2020-09-14,08:45 AM #18

    callipygoustp is offline

    Elemental Lord callipygoustp's Avatar

    I've never been one to care about transmog. I generally just don't give a dam. Sure, a weapon enchant here, matching weapons on my rogue or DH, but nothing fancy.

    However, and I almost hate to admit it, having my Resto cat form not look like shit is something that I am very much looking forward to. Long over due blizz. Loooooooong overdue.


    Sadly I skipped all of Legion and as such don't have any way of getting the MT skins. Bummer. Some (all?) of them are quite nice.

  19. 2020-09-14,08:46 AM #19

    Chonar is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoofnmouth View Post

    Or the toy if you get lucky then you don't have to farm seeds

    Bonus points when used in conjunction with the Island Expeditions "Firekin" set:

    Looking marvelous in velvet.

  20. 2020-09-14,08:57 AM #20

    8bithamster is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Brewmaster Kolee View Post

    Do any of them matter besides Werebear? Sorry, I know that's not a helpful sentiment for the purposes of this thread, but it is an honest one.

    Translation: "LOL I don't want to talk about the topic, but here watch me gloat over a skin I have that you can't have" - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoryrush View Post

    Haha, yeah, not very helpful sentiment!

    You are right, the Werebear skins is what really matters. In my opinion Blizz should definitely bring these back to the game.
    I am banging my head how is it fair to allow for Thunderfury transmog and yet the cool bear skins are unobtainable as of today... TF was the only weapon I really wanted in this game and yet I never got by the time it was obsolete.

    From what I read left and right many new druid players are driven away from the guardian spec because being stuck in a basic bear form 99% of the time ain't fun. While everybody is rocking fancy visuals that get updated every major patch with new options to choose from. The Shadowlands armor sets look great.

    They won't bring it back, because the few people with mage tower skins would rage and collapse unde their anger about it.

Could Saberon Form Come Back as a Glyph in Battle for Azeroth


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