How to Insert Data Into Mysql Database Using Angular 6

Hello coders, In this tutorial, I will show you a demo code about Angular 6 CRUD Example Tutorial From Scratch.Angular 6 Stable is released some days ago, and now it is the time to create a demo application using Angular 6. You can find more about Angular 6 on their official documentation.

What will we build?

After this tutorial, we will be able to understand how Angular Router, Components, and HTTP request works.  We build a fully functional CRUD application in Angular 6. So it is straightforward to follow as well.

Angular 6 CRUD Example Tutorial

We will start our tutorial by installing the Angular 6 using the Angular CLI.

Quick note: You have already installed Node.js on your machine. Otherwise first install it and then continue here.

#1: Install Angular 6 using Angular CLI.

Install Angular CLI globally on your machine using the following command.

npm install -g @angular/cli

If above command installation fails then, please run the above command in administrator mode.

Now, create a local project using the following command.

ng new angular6crud

Now, start the application using the following command.

ng serve --open

It compiles and opens up the browser at this URL: http://localhost:4200

#2: Create three components.

First, create one folder calledcomponentsinsideapp folder.

We can create our components using the following command.

Angular 6 CRUD Example Tutorial From Scratch

All the components are created insidecomponentsfolder.

Theapp.module.tsfile will be automatically updated.

#3: Configure the routing.

Insideapp.module.tsfile, create one array calledroutesand then add the object that contains route path and route component. Also, import theRouterModuleandRoutes component.

// app.module.ts  import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';  const routes:Routes = [   {      path: 'create',      component: CreateComponent    },   {     path: 'edit/:id',     component: EditComponent   },   {      path: 'index',     component: IndexComponent   } ]

Now, register these routes.

// app.module.ts  imports: [     BrowserModule,     RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],

Now, we can include the<router-outlet>inside an app.component.htmlfile.

<div>   <router-outlet></router-outlet> </div>

Now, you can see the components based on routes.

For example, if you browse http://localhost:4200/create then you can see "create works!"in your browser.

#4:Add Bootstrap CSS.

Download the bootstrap from its original docs and paste the CSS and JS folders insidesrc  >>  assetsfolder.

In thesrc >>  index.htmlfile, add the bootstrap css file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css">

Also, add the navigation and change theapp.component.htmloutlook due to bootstrap classes.

<nav class="navbar navbar-default">   <div class="container-fluid">     <ul class="nav navbar-nav">       <li class="active">         <a routerLink="create" routerLinkActive="active">           Add Games         </a>       </li>         </ul>   </div> </nav>  <div class="container">   <router-outlet></router-outlet> </div>

#5:Make a form in the create a component file.

Insidecreate.component.htmlfile, write the following command.

<div class="card">     <div class="card-body">       <form>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Name</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" name="game_name"/>         </div>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Price</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" name="game_price"/>           </div>           <div class="form-group">             <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>           </div>       </form>     </div>   </div>

So your create game form looks like this.

Angular 6 Tutorial

#6: Configure HttpClientModule.

Go to theapp.module.tsfile. Include theHttpClientModule in it.

// app.module.ts  import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';  imports: [     BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes), HttpClientModule ],

#7: Create services to send http requests.

Type the following command in your terminal.

ng g service game

It will create the following classes.

  1. game.service.ts
  2. game.service.spec.ts

So, your basicgame.service.tsfile looks like this.

// GameService.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {    constructor() { } }

Now, import the game.service.ts file into theapp.module.tsfile.

// game.service.ts  import { GameService } from './game.service';  providers: [ GameService ]

#8: Configure Node.js backend.

Next step, will be to createNode.js and MongoDB backend to store the data. Create one file in the project root calledserver.js

Now, we need to install theexpress web framework and other dependencies viaNPM, so let us do it first.

npm install --save express body-parser cors mongoose

Also, we need to addnodemon serveras a development dependency.

npm install nodemon --save-dev

Switch to newly createdserver.js file and enter the following code into it.

// app.js  let express = require('express'), 	path = require('path'), 	bodyParser = require('body-parser'), 	cors = require('cors'), 	mongoose = require('mongoose');  	const app = express(); 	var port = process.env.PORT || 4000;  	var server = app.listen(function(){ 		console.log('Listening on port ' + port); 	});

Next thing is we need to create aMongoDB database and connect it with our node.js application.

If you have not installed the MongoDB database then install it and then start the mongodb server.

Mongodb database

Create oneconfig folder inside project root. In that create one file calledDB.js.

// DB.js  module.exports = {    DB: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/angular6crud' };

Import this DB.js file into our server.js file and usemongoose library to set up thedatabase connection withMongoDB.

Write the following code insidethe server.jsfile to connect ourMongoDBapplication to theNode.jsserver.

// server.js  const express = require('express'), 	path = require('path'), 	bodyParser = require('body-parser'), 	cors = require('cors'), 	mongoose = require('mongoose'), 	config = require('./config/DB');  	mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; 	mongoose.connect(config.DB).then( 	  () => {console.log('Database is connected') }, 	  err => { console.log('Can not connect to the database'+ err)} 	);  	const app = express(); 	app.use(bodyParser.json()); 	app.use(cors()); 	const port = process.env.PORT || 4000;  	const server = app.listen(port, function(){ 	 console.log('Listening on port ' + port); 	});

Save the file and go to the cmd and start thenode.jsserver using the following command.

nodemon server

node mongodb connect

Now, We have total three servers are running.

  1. Angular Development Server.
  2. Node.js Server
  3. Mongodb Server

#9: Create Express routes for our application.

Now, we need to create two folders in a root called routes andmodels.

In models folder, create one model called Game.js.

// Game.js  const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const Schema = mongoose.Schema;  // Define collection and schema for Games let Game = new Schema({   name: {     type: String   },   price: {     type: Number   } },{     collection: 'games' });  module.exports = mongoose.model('Game', Game);

In the routes folder, create one file called game.route.js.

// game.route.js  const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const gameRoutes = express.Router();  // Require Game model in our routes module let Game = require('../models/Game');  // Defined store route gameRoutes.route('/add').post(function (req, res) {   let game = new Game(req.body);     .then(game => {     res.status(200).json({'game': 'CoGamein added successfully'});     })     .catch(err => {     res.status(400).send("unable to save to database");     }); });  // Defined get data(index or listing) route gameRoutes.route('/').get(function (req, res) {    Game.find(function (err, games){     if(err){       console.log(err);     }     else {       res.json(games);     }   }); });  // Defined edit route gameRoutes.route('/edit/:id').get(function (req, res) {   let id =;   Game.findById(id, function (err, game){       res.json(game);   }); });  //  Defined update route gameRoutes.route('/update/:id').post(function (req, res) {    Game.findById(, function(err, game) {     if (!game)       return next(new Error('Could not load Document'));     else { =;       game.price = req.body.price; => {           res.json('Update complete');       })       .catch(err => {             res.status(400).send("unable to update the database");       });     }   }); });  // Defined delete | remove | destroy route gameRoutes.route('/delete/:id').get(function (req, res) {    Game.findByIdAndRemove({_id:}, function(err, game){         if(err) res.json(err);         else res.json('Successfully removed');     }); });  module.exports = gameRoutes;

I have written all the logic that can create, read, update, and delete the data from the mongodb database.

Include thisGame.jsmodel insidea server.jsfile.

// server.js  const gameRoutes = require('./routes/game.route');  app.use('/games', gameRoutes);

So, our finalserver.jsfile looks like this.

// server.js  const express = require('express'), 	path = require('path'), 	bodyParser = require('body-parser'), 	cors = require('cors'), 	mongoose = require('mongoose'), 	config = require('./config/DB');  const gameRoutes = require('./routes/game.route');  	mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; 	mongoose.connect(config.DB).then( 	  () => {console.log('Database is connected') }, 	  err => { console.log('Can not connect to the database'+ err)} 	);  const app = express(); 	app.use(bodyParser.json()); 	app.use(cors()); 	app.use('/games', gameRoutes);  const port = process.env.PORT || 4000;  const server = app.listen(port, function(){ 	console.log('Listening on port ' + port); });

#10 Add ReactiveFormsModule at the Angular.

Insideapp.module.tsfile, add the ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms package.

// app.module.ts  import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';  imports: [     ReactiveFormsModule   ],

Then, we are validating the forms. So first write the form HTML in thecreate.component.html.

<div class="card">     <div class="card-body">       <form [formGroup]="angForm" novalidate>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Name</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="name" #name />         </div>         <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['name'].invalid && (angForm.controls['name'].dirty || angForm.controls['name'].touched)" class="alert alert-danger">           <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['name'].errors.required">             Name is required.           </div>         </div>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Price</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="price" #price/>         </div>         <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['price'].invalid && (angForm.controls['price'].dirty || angForm.controls['price'].touched)" class="alert alert-danger">           <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['price'].errors.required">             Price is required.           </div>         </div>           <div class="form-group">             <button (click)="addGame(name.value, price.value)" [disabled]="angForm.pristine || angForm.invalid" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>           </div>       </form>     </div>   </div>

Also, we need to write logic of the validation in thecreate.component.tsfile.

// create.component.ts  import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup,  FormBuilder,  Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { GameService } from '../../game.service';  @Component({   selector: 'app-create',   templateUrl: './create.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./create.component.css'] }) export class CreateComponent implements OnInit {   title = 'Add Game';   angForm: FormGroup;    constructor(private gameservice: GameService, private fb: FormBuilder) {     this.createForm();    }     createForm() {     this.angForm ={       name: ['', Validators.required ],       price: ['', Validators.required ]    });   }    addGame(name, price) {       this.gameservice.addGame(name, price);   }    ngOnInit() {   }  }

Here, till now, we have used theaddGame()function, but not created insidegame.service.tsfile.

So, let us create that.

// game.service.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {    constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }    addGame(name, price) {     const uri = 'http://localhost:4000/games/add';     const obj = {       name: name,       price: price     };, obj)         .subscribe(res => console.log('Done'));   } }        

In this function, we have sent the HTTP Post request to the Node.js server and try to save the values in the database. Now, go to the following URL: http://localhost:4200/create.

Angular 6 Node Tutorial

So, in the after submitting the form, we can see in the console that, we get the "Done."

MongoDB insert data

So, in the database, we can see that our value is inserted correctly.

#10: Display the data to the frontend.

In theindex.component.htmlfile, write the following code.

<table class="table table-hover">   <thead>   <tr>       <td>Game Name</td>       <td>Game Price</td>       <td colspan="2">Actions</td>   </tr>   </thead>    <tbody>       <tr *ngFor="let game of games">           <td>{{ }}</td>           <td>{{ game.price }}</td>           <td><a [routerLink]="['/edit', game._id]" class="btn btn-primary">Edit</a></td>           <td><a [routerLink]="" class="btn btn-danger">Delete</a></td>       </tr>   </tbody> </table>

Now, insideindexfolder, create one file called Game.ts.It is an interface, which tells theAngularapplication that, which kind of data is on the backend that we need to display at frontend.

// Game.ts  export interface Game {     id: Number;     name: String;     price: Number; }

Now, insidegame.service.tsfile, we need to write a function that fetches the data from the MongoDB database and display at the Angular 6 Application.

// game.service.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Game } from './components/index/Game';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {  	const uri = 'http://localhost:4000';   	constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }    	addGame(name, price) { 	    const obj = { 	      name: name, 	      price: price 	    }; 	    this 	    	.http 	    	.post(`${this.uri}/games/add`, obj) 	        .subscribe(res =>  	        	console.log('Done') 	        );   	}    	getGames() {              return this                     .http                     .get(`${this.uri}/games`);     	}  } }

Moreover, finally, we need to update theindex.component.tsfile.

// index.component.ts  import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Game } from './Game'; import { GameService } from '../../game.service';  @Component({   selector: 'app-index',   templateUrl: './index.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./index.component.css'] }) export class IndexComponent implements OnInit {  	games: Game[];   	constructor(private gameservice: GameService) { }    	ngOnInit() {   		this.gameservice       		.getGames()       		.subscribe((data: User[]) => {  = data;         });     } }        

Now, add one more data into the database and switch to this URL: http://localhost:4200/index.

Angular 6 Node MongoDB CRUD

#11: Edit and Update the Data.

Now, first, we need to fetch the data from the MongoDB database based on a _id, display the data in the edit form.

So first, edit.component.html form looks like this.

Write the following code inside anedit.component.htmlfile.

<div class="card">     <div class="card-body">       <form [formGroup]="angForm" novalidate>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Name</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="name" #name [(ngModel)] = ""/>         </div>         <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['name'].invalid && (angForm.controls['name'].dirty || angForm.controls['name'].touched)" class="alert alert-danger">           <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['name'].errors.required">             Name is required.           </div>         </div>         <div class="form-group">           <label class="col-md-4">Game Price</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="price" #price [(ngModel)] = "game.price"/>         </div>         <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['price'].invalid && (angForm.controls['price'].dirty || angForm.controls['price'].touched)" class="alert alert-danger">           <div *ngIf="angForm.controls['price'].errors.required">             Price is required.           </div>         </div>           <div class="form-group">             <button (click)="updateGame(name.value, price.value)" [disabled]="angForm.pristine || angForm.invalid" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>           </div>       </form>     </div>   </div>

Insideedit.component.tsfile, write the following code.

// edit.component.ts  import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { FormGroup,  FormBuilder,  Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { GameService } from '../../game.service'; import { Game } from '../index/Game';  @Component({   selector: 'app-edit',   templateUrl: './edit.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./edit.component.css'] }) export class EditComponent implements OnInit {  	game: any = {}; 	angForm: FormGroup; 	constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,  				private router: Router,  				private service: GameService,  				private fb: FormBuilder) {  		this.createForm(); 	}  	createForm() {     this.angForm ={ 	     	name: ['', Validators.required ], 	      	price: ['', Validators.required ]    		});   	}  	ngOnInit() { 		this.route.params.subscribe(params => {      		this.service.editGame(params['id']).subscribe(res => {  = res;       	});     });   } }
// edit.component.ts  import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { FormGroup,  FormBuilder,  Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { GameService } from '../../game.service'; import { Game } from '../index/Game';  @Component({   selector: 'app-edit',   templateUrl: './edit.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./edit.component.css'] }) export class EditComponent implements OnInit {  	game: any = {}; 	angForm: FormGroup; 	constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,  		    private router: Router,  		    private service: GameService,  		    private fb: FormBuilder) {  	    this.createForm(); 	}  	createForm() {                    this.angForm ={ 	     	name: ['', Validators.required ], 	      	price: ['', Validators.required ]    	     });   	}  	ngOnInit() { 		this.route.params.subscribe(params => {      		this.service.editGame(params['id']).subscribe(res => {  = res;       	});     });   } }

Finally, ourgame.service.tsfile looks like this.

// game.service.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Game } from './components/index/Game';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {  	uri = 'http://localhost:4000/games';   	constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }    	addGame(name, price) { 	    const obj = { 	      name: name, 	      price: price 	    }; 	    this 	    	.http 	    	.post(`${this.uri}/add`, obj) 	        .subscribe(res =>  	        	console.log('Done') 	        );   	}    	getGames() {   		return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}`);     }      editGame(id) {     	return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}/edit/${id}`)     	}  }        

Below image is our Edit layout.

Angular 6 Edit Tutorial

Now, update the data. So write the following code insidegame.service.tsfile. We will write the update function insidegame.service.tsfile.

// game.service.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Game } from './components/index/Game';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {    uri: String = 'http://localhost:4000/games';    constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }    addGame(name, price) { 	    const obj = { 	      name: name, 	      price: price 	    }; 	    this 	    	.http 	    	.post(`${this.uri}/add`, obj) 	        .subscribe(res =>  	        	console.log('Done') 	        );   	}    getGames() {   	return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}`);     }     editGame(id) {     	return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}/edit/${id}`)     	}     updateGame(name, price, id) {        const obj = { 	  name: name, 	   price: price        }; 	this 	   .http 	   .post(`${this.uri}/update/${id}`, obj) 	   .subscribe(res => console.log('Done'));   	} }

Now, write the following code insideedit.component.tsfile.

// edit.component.ts  updateGame(name, price) {      this.route.params.subscribe(params => {      this.service.updateGame(name, price, params['id']);      this.router.navigate(['index']);   }); }

So, if you find no error on the console, then you can successfully update the data.

 I have already writteneditandupdate serviceto make an API call. So till now,Create, Read, Update is complete. Now, take a look atDelete.

Now, I am coding the wholeindex.component.htmlfile.

<tbody>       <tr *ngFor="let game of games">           <td>{{ }}</td>           <td>{{ game.price }}</td>           <td><a [routerLink]="['/edit', game._id]" class="btn btn-primary">Edit</a></td>           <td><button (click)="deleteGame(game._id)"  class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button></td>       </tr> </tbody>

Now, write thedeleteGame functioninside index.component.tsfile.

// index.component.ts  import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Game } from './Game'; import { GameService } from '../../game.service';  @Component({   selector: 'app-index',   templateUrl: './index.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./index.component.css'] }) export class IndexComponent implements OnInit {      games: Game[];      constructor(private gameservice: GameService) { }      ngOnInit() {   	this.gameservice       	    .getGames()       	    .subscribe((data: Game[]) => { = data;         });    }     deleteGame(id) {      this.gameservice.deleteGame(id).subscribe(res => {       console.log('Deleted');     });    } }        

Finally, write the deleteGame function insidegame.service.tsfile.

// game.service.ts  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Game } from './components/index/Game';  @Injectable({   providedIn: 'root' }) export class GameService {  	uri: String = 'http://localhost:4000/games';   	constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }    	addGame(name, price) { 	    const obj = { 	      name: name, 	      price: price 	    }; 	    this 	    	.http 	    	.post(`${this.uri}/add`, obj) 	        .subscribe(res =>  	        	console.log('Done') 	        );   	}    	getGames() {   		return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}`);     }      editGame(id) {     	return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}/edit/${id}`)     	}   	updateGame(name, price, id) {  		const obj = { 			name: name, 			price: price 	    }; 	    this 	    	.http 	    	.post(`${this.uri}/update/${id}`, obj) 	     	.subscribe(res => console.log('Done'));   	}    	deleteGame(id) {   		return this             .http             .get(`${this.uri}/delete/${id}`)   	} }        

I have written the whole file and finally our Angular 6 CRUD Example Tutorialis over.

If you have any doubt inAngular 6 CRUD Example Tutorial,then ask in a comment below.

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How to Insert Data Into Mysql Database Using Angular 6


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